[SD-User] V9.88 Released

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Fri, 3 May 2002 09:20:28 +0100

V9.88   3 May 2002

SD - Mobiles, rovers, dupes and multipliers.
    Some contests, especially QSO parties in the USA,
    permit QSOs with the same station when it moves 
    from one County to another.

    Sometimes these stations will sign /M, but more
    often they don't.

    For contests with Area Multipliers (types 4 and
    10), SD now ignores dupe checking on stations
    signing /M and lets you log any Area (County)
    code for such stations.

    In contests where roving stations don't normally
    sign /M, use SD Type 4 and enter the Area (County)
    code as part of the callsign. For example W1AW/NHV
    or W1AW/WIN.

    Type 4 has been updated to let you select separate
    points for CW and SSB QSOs.

 The programs may be downloaded from http://www.ei5di.com
 Please let me know what you'd like to see in the next update.
Keep copies of the programs you're using now - as insurance!
Paul EI5DI