[SD-User] Ukranian DX Contest

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Fri, 01 Nov 2002 08:45:30 +0000

This contest takes place from 12:00 UTC Saturday 2nd November
to 12:00 UTC Sunday 3rd November.  Full fulls at

It's a mixed-mode contest, single or all-band (160m to 10m).

DX Entrants - outside Ukraine.

Select SD Type 10 - General, Country and Area Multipliers.
.MLT File            : UKRAINE
.CTY File            : CQWW
Multipliers Count    : B (by band)
Points per QSO       : 0 (variable)
Pts/Bonus            : 0 (multipliers)
Points per Area QSO  : 10 (QSOs with Ukraine)
Points vary by mode  : N
            by band  : N
        by location  : Y
Points               : 1,2,3
       (own country, own continent, other continent)
Receive serials from
      Area Stations  : N  (Ukraine stations)
Mode                 : SSB or CW
Mixed Mode Contest   : Y
Mults count on 
       both modes    : N
Work same station on
       both modes    : Y

Work everyone, exchange RST + Serial.  Ukraine stations
will send their region code (2 characters) but no serial.


Ukraine entrants.

Select SD Type 9 - General, Country Multipliers.
.CTY File            : CQWW
Multipliers Count    : B (by band)
Points per QSO       : 0 (variable)
Pts/Bonus            : 0 (multipliers)
Points vary by mode  : N
            by band  : N
        by location  : Y
Points               : 1,2,3
       (own country, own continent, other continent)
Mode                 : SSB or CW
Mixed Mode Contest   : Y
Mults count on 
       both modes    : N
Work same station on
       both modes    : Y

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your .LOG and .SUM
files.  Rename them as YOURCALL.LOG and YOURCALL.SUM, and
email them, as attached files, to urdx@tav.kiev.ua before
the end of November.

Paul EI5DI