[SD-User] WAG - Worked All Germany

Paul O'Kane paul@ei5di.com
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:28:11 +0100

The WAG contest takes place from 1500 UTC Saturday 19th October
to 1459 UTC Sunday 20th October.  It's an SSB and/or CW event
on the 5 bands from 80 to 10m.  Full rules at SM3CER's Contest
Service http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/text/wadlc.txt.

Non-German entrants.

Select SD Type 4 - General, Area Multipliers.
Multipliers Count      : B (by band)
Points CW QSOs         : 3
Points SSB QSOs        : 3
Pts/Bonus              : 0 (multipliers)
Name of .MLT File      : WAG
Receive Serials        : Y (record DOK in Serial field)
Mode                   : CW or SSB
Mixed-Mode             : Y or N (your choice)
If Yes
Mults count both modes : N
Work same station on
            both modes : Y

Work German stations only.  Log DOK in Serial field (DL
stations don't give serials).  To track multipliers, you
must then enter the first character of the DOK (A-Z) in
the Area Code (AC) field.  Please experiment with this
BEFORE the contest.

German Entrants.

Select SD Type 9 - General, Country Multipliers.
.CTY file              : CQWW
Multipliers Count      : B (by band)
Points per QSO         : 0 (variable)
Pts/Bonus              : 0 (multipliers)
Points vary by mode    : N
            by band    : N
        by location    : Y
Points                 : 1,3,5
(corresponding to own country, own continent,
 other continents)
Mode                   : CW or SSB
Mixed-Mode             : Y or N (your choice)
Mixed-Mode             : Y or N (your choice)
If Yes
Mults count both modes : N
Work same station on
            both modes : Y

Work everyone, record serials from non-German stations
or DOK (in the serial field) from German stations.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your .LOG file
(do not choose the Cabrillo option) and your .SUM files.
Complete the .SUM file with a text editor (Notepad), rename
the files as YOURCALL.LOG and YOURCALL.SUM and email them,
as attached files, to wag@darc.de.

If you have any suggestions or updates, please post the info
to sd-user@contesting.com

Paul EI5DI