[SD-User] V9.96 Released.

Paul O'Kane Paul O'Kane" <paul@ei5di.com
Sun, 5 Jan 2003 23:44:31 -0000

V9.96   5 January 2003

Delete last QSO.
    For HF programs, the ZAP (or DEL) command deletes
    your most recent QSO and updates your score and
    multiplier totals as appropriate.  

    Please note that you cannot undo this action,
    other than by logging the QSO again - assuming
    you remember the details.

    If you wish, you can delete all QSOs in the log
    by using ZAP repeatedly.  When starting a new
    contest file, you might log a few QSOs to check
    the scoring, and then zap them before the start
    of the contest.  (Don't do this for SD Type 6,
    with prefix multipliers, as there seems to be a
    bug in identifying multipliers corresponding to
    prefixes on deleted QSOs.)  

    It's not possible to delete earlier individual
    QSOs because the QSO number (serial) is used as
    an index for various tables which maintain
    consistency in your log. You should edit the
    callsign in any such QSO to make it a dupe of
    the previous QSO.  Dupes are not scored and you
    will not lose any points.  Although it's not
    necessary, you can, if you prefer, delete them
    from your .LOG file before you submit your entry.
    You should not delete any records, dupes or
    otherwise, from the .ALL files. If you do, you
    may have problems reloading the file.

Stew Perry Contest.
    Type 11/L (Locator). Distance and Points are now
    shown for all QSOs. SDCHECK gives a Cabrillo
    format log.

Cabrillo Logs.
    The CREATED-BY: tag is now used only to describe
    the software used. The tag X-SUMMARY: is used to
    describe other summary sheet information not
    explicitly defined in the standard.

    ARRL 10m Contest logs for W/VE entrants did not
    include State or Province sent.  Fixed.

OKOM Contest - for OKOM entrants only.
    Type 6 - General, Prefix Multipliers. An option
    added (K) to score prefixes as multipliers on
    each band rather than once only (as in WPX).

RST - all contests.
    The programs already permit A in the Tone field
    to signify Aurora.  K has been added to signify
    key clicks (59K) and C for chirp (59C).

SDL - Listeners.
    Type 4 did not let you choose an area multiplier
    file (.MLT). Fixed.

The programs may be downloaded from http://www.ei5di.com

Please let me know what you'd like to see in the next update,
and keep a copy of whatever version you're using now - as

Paul EI5DI