[SD-User] Cabrillo Logs for RSGB LP Field Day

Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Mon Jul 21 23:36:39 EDT 2003

I had not implemented correct Cabrillo logs for RSGB Low-Power
Field Day.

It's done now, and new versions of SDCHECK may be downloaded
as follows.

DOS - http://www.ei5di.com/sd/sdchkdos.zip  80865 bytes
WIN - http://www.ei5di.com/sd/sdcheck.zip  108579 bytes

No earlier versions of SDCHECK give the correct format logs
for Low-Power Field Day.

If you're currently registered you should create, or re-create,
your log using one or other of these programs.  I've spoken to
Dave G3RXP, who is the adjudicator, and he will expect a
correctly formatted Cabrillo log from SD users.  If you can't
do this, or if you're not currently registered, Dave will be
happy to accept a printout of your log - you can get this with
the "PRINT FILE" option in any version of SDCHECK.  This creates
a .PRT file which you can copy to the printer, or open in a
word processor (select Courier font to give consistent column
spacing) and then print.

Paul EI5DI

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