[SD-User] RNARS CW activity Contest. 15/16 NOV 1200Z TO 1200Z

Sid Will sidwill at lineone.net
Tue Nov 11 11:42:30 EST 2003

This contest coincides with the INORC contest for the whole 24 hours so
there should be plenty of activity
RNARS members send RST and Naval Number (If you are a member of more than
one naval society, please use only one of your membership numbers
Score 10 points with each naval station.  1 point with non-naval stations.
Multiplier each RNARS (repeat RNARS ) once only regardless of number of
bands worked
VE,VK,W,ZL,ZS call areas plus GB4RN all count as a separate multipliers
Logs to G3LIK email g3lik at dormick.freeserve.co.uk or paper logs by post.
SD Set-up:::
Because of the peculiar scoring and multiplier rules, use SD type 11.
Points per QSO = 10 and G = General.
Type 11 allows you to enter up to 8 characters in the data received field.
The majority of contacts will be naval so set the points to 10 per QSO.
When it is finished, produce a printout of your activity with SDCHECK and
manually count your multipliers and adjust the scores for any non-naval
contacts. Total score is "Total of your points from RNARS QSO's times the
number of multipliers you obtained"
Its not perfect but better than manual logging  - and SD produces good CW
Good luck in the RNARS Activity
73 de Sid, GM4SID
sidwill at lineone.net

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