[SD-User] SD lies

Fred Ockert m.ockert at bss-services.de
Mon Aug 16 13:41:29 EDT 2004

used SDDOS 10.15  in the WAE Contest...

it eated 3 QSO's ! .... found the qso's within the QTC's in QTC-File 

Paul., you may have the original logfiles - if needed...

but ..... SDCHECK lies !! it  "forgets" all my QTC's in the summary .!

Tried it also with SD(Win) 10.25 - same Result ... During the contest  
SD itself was computing correct the QSO + QTC-Data!

SDCHECK gives me only 45%  of score.... = qso * mult's = summary ... as 
usual.... but WAE-QTC's also count's !!

what to do ?? we have abt. 30 days ..hi

made a good score for me 500+ qso and 700+ QTC .... during contest 
500.000 + points computed!
Cabrillo has gud 260.000 or bit more...


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