[SD-User] V10.09 released

Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Thu Jan 1 13:57:13 EST 2004

V10.09          1 January 2004

    Added support for parallel port keying (LPT1
    only) including PTT and band mapping outputs,
    using standard cables and interfaces.  Use the
    PORTS command, and select COM5 - which indicates
    LPT1.  INPOUT32.DLL (from www.logix4u.cjb.net)
    supplied to support this feature. Thanks to Don
    G0MDO for the information and sample code.

    Added PTT support to serial port keying.

    Fixed error "COM1 does not exist" which
    prevented keying, but not rig control, via COM1.

    Added extraction of GMT, and the corresponding
    date, directly from Windows without the need for
    any time difference parameter in SDCONFIG.TXT.
    For this to work, you should define your time
    zone (if not done already) in the Date/Time
    module within Windows Control Panel. This needs
    to be done once only.  Thanks to Don G0MDO for
    the code.

ZAP Command.
    The ZAP command has been disabled. There was a
    risk of losing data when combined with edits
    of earlier QSOs in contests with multipliers.
    It will be restored soon.

ARRL 10 Metre Contest.
    SDCHECK updated to ensure a correct Cabrillo
    log for W/VE entrants. R1, R2 and R3 added to
    the ARRL10.MLT file. They represent the three
    IARU Regions as exchanged by Maritime Mobile
    stations in this contest.

Stew Perry Contest.
    SDCHECK updated to include RST Sent in Cabrillo

UK DX Contest:
    Added support for this new event (SD Type 10).
    UK.MLT multiplier file supplied. QSOs are
    scored correctly and multipliers tracked at all
    times. SDCHECK gives a correctly formatted
    Cabrillo log.

    SD has had an optional audit feature,
    controlled by the AUDIT and NOAUDIT commands.
    With auditing, QSOs and edits were written in
    a simplified form to an audit (.AUD) file or
    to the printer.

    All QSOs and edits are now written to the audit
    file in the same format as the .ALL file. This
    is the default - it's no longer optional.

    Additionally, the AUDIT command now gives the
    option of writing QSOs and edits to a .TXT
    file, in the same simplified form as before,
    or directly to the printer.  NOTE, the printer
    option is not available with SD/WIN.

    The audit files are only ever opened in append
    mode, which means that new or changed records
    are always written to the end of the file.
    This is inherently safer than directly editing
    QSO records - as happens in SD whenever earlier
    QSOs are edited.  As a result, the .AUD files
    serve as very reliable backups, and as references
    from which your log (the .ALL file) can be
    recreated if necessary.  Anyone who is handy with
    a text editor can do this.  In the near future,
    I'll amend SDR (the re-score program) to accept
    .AUD files as input for the creation of new .ALL
    files.  That's in addition to SDR's existing
    import options for Cabrillo logs and SD's .ALL

    The DUMP and FASTDUMP commands now operate as
    follows, where NAME is the name you selected
    for the contest.

    * If NAME.AL1 exists, copy it to NAME.AL2
    * Copy NAME.ALL to NAME.AL1
    * If NAME.AU1 exists, copy it to NAME.AU2
    * Copy NAME.AUD to NAME.AU1

    * If NAME.TX1 exists, copy it to NAME.TX2
    * If NAME.TXT exists, copy it to NAME.TX1.

    At a later stage, I'll add an option to let
    you specify the device and folder for copies.

The programs may be downloaded from www.ei5di.com.

Please keep a copy of whatever version of the programs
you're using now - there may be bugs I haven't noticed
in this update.  Also, please let me know what you'd
like to have for the next version.

Paul EI5DI

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