[SD-User] The King of Spain Contest

Paul O'Kane paul at ei5di.com
Tue May 11 18:36:03 EDT 2004

SD supports the King of Spain Contest, and is freeware from

The CW section takes place from 1800 UTC Saturday 15th May to 
1800 UTC Sunday 16th May 2004.  It's a CW only event on all
6 bands from 160m to 10m.  The full rules are at

This is the setup information for non-EA entrants.

Select SD Type 4 - General, Area Multipliers.

Multipliers Count    : B (by band)
Points (CW QSOs)     : 1 
Points (SSB QSOs)    : 0
Pts/Bonus            : 0 (multipliers)
Name of .MLT file    : SPAIN
Receive Serials      : N
Mode                 : CW
Mixed-mode Contest?  : N

Work Spanish stations only (EA, EA6, EA8, EA9), on all
6 bands from 160m to 10m.

Send    : 5NN + serial
Receive : 5NN + province abbreviation (one or two letters).

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo
.LOG file, and email it, as an attached file, to
concursoshf at ure.es by 25th June.

Paul EI5DI

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