[SD-User] V10.18 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri May 28 16:26:47 EDT 2004

Version 10.18.         26 May 2004

SDV - VHF Contests: 
    Now released as a Windows text-mode program.
    V10.17 was the last DOS release of SDV. 

SD, SDI, SDV, SDX - Windows programs: 
    Previously screen updating was a bit "clunky".  On
    some PCs you could see data being written to various
    windows. Now the data in individual windows appears
    instantly - it looks more like the behaviour we all
    took for granted under DOS. 

    The SHOW command is a diagnostic tool which displays
    the characteristics of each keyboard key as seen by SD
    (or the other programs). 

SD - Type 7, CW Field Day. 
    Adding scoring option for HB9 rules. 

All programs: 
    If you had logged 10 or more QSOs and then scrolled
    through the log (with up-arrow) to log any of the
    first 9 QSOs, a spurious 0 appeared after the "Editing
    QSO" number. Fixed. 


The programs may be downloaded from ei5di.com

They are all freeware. Please encourage other contesters
to use them and to sign-up to the sd-user mailing list.
The more feedback and suggestions I get, the more incentive
I'll have to improve the programs.

IMPORTANT:  Keep a copy of whatever version(s) you're
using now - as insurance!

Paul EI5DI

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