[SD-User] V11.06 Released.

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Sat Nov 6 16:58:43 EST 2004

V11.06          6th November 2004

SDC - Commonwealth Contest.
    SDC is now a Windows program.

    QSOs are logged when you enter the received serial,
    assuming you've already entered the callsign. To log
    HQ stations, add HQ to the serial - in the same field.

    The F2 message (exchange) would not play with AutoCW
    enabled. Fixed.


The programs are freeware from www.ei5di.com.  Please keep a
copy of whatever version(s) you're using now - as insurance!

Just a reminder about a CW feature that was released in V11.02.
If you're into CW, please try it and let me know if there are
any bugs - or your suggestions for improving it.

AutoStart - CW:
    With AutoCW enabled, the CWSTART (or START) command
    lets you select which callsign character position
    will automatically start the F2 exchange message.
    For example, with CWSTART=4, the F2 message starts
    as soon as you type the 4th callsign character. Any
    extra callsign characters will be picked up so long
    as you keep ahead of the keyer.  There's no need to
    press Enter, and no harm if you do.

    With AutoStart enabled, the ACW "mode" indicator
    changes to XCW, where X represents your starting
    position.  If the callsign has fewer characters
    than X, you'll have to press Enter, as usual, to
    play the F2 message.  The minimum value for X is 3,
    and I'd recommend setting it to 5 at first.  With
    lower values, you have to be careful not to start
    the keyer before you've heard the full call.

    If the keyer takes off before you're ready, use Esc
    or minus to stop it. The Apostrophe key can be used
    to toggle Auto CW and Auto Start.  To disable Auto
    Start without affecting AutoCW, set CWSTART to 0.

Paul EI5DI

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