g3rir demon g3rir at ackerley24.demon.co.uk
Wed Apr 6 06:35:04 EDT 2005


Assuming you send your entry in cabrillo format then each QSO is shown as
you worked them (or thought you did). Cabrillo has no means of flagging
duplicates; the assumption is that the adjudicating software will sort it

In your case presumably g3xyz will only have one contact with you in his log
and that just happens to be your second attempt. Your first log entry with
him will not correspond with his log and you won't get any points for it.

One thing I do if I want to make a QSO void is to change the callsign to
G9DUF which will show up for the adjudicator to give you.

CT logging program suggests that you change the callsign in these cases to
your own and then run a program which removes all such QSOs. In the case of
contests with serial numbers you will end up with gaps in the serials but I
don't think this causes any problems with the adjudicators.  

Neil, G3RIR

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