[SD-User] reminder HOT; please hints wanted

Dieter Klaschka dieter.dl2bqd at addcom.de
Wed Nov 2 12:35:45 EST 2005

Dear readers,
  This should only be a reminder for your contest activity planning:
20. Nov will be the annual HOT Party
Homebrew & Oldtime Equipment party.

So you are kindly invited to take part in this friendly event.

CLASS A  TX   a n d  RX  are hm  or older than 30 yrs
class     B  TX  or      RX    are hm or older than  30 yrs
class     C  QRP TX below 10 watts in or 5 watts out, hb or older than
                                                 30 yrs

TIME 1300-1500 utc 7010-7040 kHz
          1500-1700      3510-3560

CALL cq hot

EXCHANGE  RST, serial (starting from 001 on BOTH bands plus class
e.g. 579001/A

A   with A or C   3,  with B  2
B  with A or C    2,  with  B  1
C  with A or C    3, with  B   2

LOGS must include a short description of the used rigs.
You kindly are asked to give a short comment on the ctest as well
(ca 40 letters)

Deadline  Dec 15th 2005

-.txt or LM log
Dr Hartmut Weber
dj7st at darc.de


Well, I think using SD for this kind of ctest affords editing in any
I hope some time the organizers could change the serial exchange
starting for each band with 001
to a more convenient  PC friendly manner.

Please , Paul , or another more  experienced SD user could you let me
know whether I am right to
use Type 11 'G' to cope with the rules?
Then using the PRINT/TXT option of SDcheck after having  edited the
(or is there a set up to put in the points simultanously during the
qso/ no multis!)
Please point me to the right track?

Is there any chance to handle the ABC class points in another set up?

Anyway , perhaps there will be  way in due time to use SD with an own
for this lovable CW activity ?

I would love to get some more contacts with GQRP members during the
72! Dieter.DL2BQD GQRP 7739

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