[SD-User] V12.05 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed Oct 26 14:57:10 EDT 2005

V12.05          19th October 2005

    Updated CQWW.CTY, and other .CTY files, as per
    the latest CTY.DAT file from AD1C.

    SD uses hard-code to determine Russian zones.
    Apparently the correct zone for UA9S T & W, for
    CQWW scoring purposes, is 16.  You can log this
    as 17, which most such stations will send, but
    you're better off leaving it as 16 if you want
    correct multiplier totals.

    Fixed the lower status line country/zone analyis
    for calls already worked.

QSO and Band timers.
    display separate timers.  You can switch from
    one to the other with the appropriate command,
    and stop the display by repeating the most 
    recent timer command.

    The band and band/mode timers are reset after
    the first QSO on a particular band and/or mode.
    Switching band/mode, with no QSO logged, has
    no effect on them. 

    Updated the rig control file - the previous one
    didn't work.
Arrow Keys:
    On some keyboards, they didn't always work when
    selecting templates at startup.  Fixed.

RSGB, PACC and WAE country files (.CTY).
    Updated to explicitly define all prefixes for
    the relevant multiplier call areas. For example,
    in RSGB.CTY, JA K VE VK and ZL call areas count
    separately as multipliers.  

    Previously, some of this was coded to save DOS
    memory, but that's not an issue with Windows.

FOC Marathon.
    Added as a standard template.

    Restored F9 (list QSOs by call).  I had removed
    it for contests where country multipliers/bonus
    counted once only, but this was not appropriate
    for the Marathon.

    A reminder that the commands, 1B, 2B ... to 6B
    display all calls worked on the corresponding
    number of band - very handy when checking for
    5 and 6-banders.  These commands work for all
    SD contests.  The AB (any band) command lists
    calls worked on any band - together with the
    number of bands concerned.

    There are now 71 templates supplied - with more
    in the pipeline.

SD Startup:
    By leaving the contest name blank, SD displays
    the names of all your contest files.  If you
    have more than 161 of them (1 page), you can
    see all the others with Page Down & Page Up.

    A reminder that Z (Zap) will delete a selected
    entry (.ALL and other associated files).

SD is free from www.ei5di.com.

If you find any new bugs, please send details to
sd-user at contesting.com.  Keep an older version of any
program you download - as insurance.

Paul EI5DI

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