[SD-User] ADIF Export from SD V12.03 and SDCHECK V12.03

Graeme Caselton gcaselton at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 31 21:45:23 EST 2005


a possible bug in SDCHECK V12.03 from a log created via SD V12.03

After the weekends CQWWDX contest, I produced a .ADI file for upload
in to DXKeeper. It initially failed as every entry had spurious
characters in the records. See between the CQZ and EOR entries below:

<Call:5>ES5TV        <Mode:3>SSB  <Band:3>40M  <Freq:5>7.082
<RST_Sent:2>59  <RST_Rcvd:2>59  
<QSO_Date:8>20051029 <Time_On:4>0008 <CQZ:5>15 (1 <EOR>

The spurious characters included 2, * and 3. As you can see, the CQZ
field is also wrong, it should be <CQZ:2> and not <CQZ:5>. A
find/replace worked OK, but I thought you might need to follow up on
it. I checked the .ADI file and every entry has the CQZ field set to

I took a look at the .ALL file and the spurious characters are being
taken from the .LOG because of the incorrect CQZ field length:

14ES5TV       29100500083359 59     15 (107 MM00017z01

Hope this makes sense!



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