[SD-User] V12.00 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Sep 8 08:54:27 EDT 2005

V12.00          9th September 2005

All Programs.
    All file handling and naming routines have been
    restructured to ease maintenance and to improve
    long-term reliability.

    When looking at your .ALL or .VHF files with a 
    text editor, it's not always obvious if the
    initial 12 control records are the correct
    length.  As a visual check, the last character
    of each control record is now replaced with ^
    where it was a space.

    At startup, the programs check the integrity
    of the control and QSL records.  You cannot
    continue if they're not the correct length. If
    necessary, you must fix them with a text editor
    such as Notepad. Do not use word processors as
    they tend to add invisible characters at the
    end of the file.

SDCHECK - and other post-contest programs:.
    Added an option to restore your .ALL (or .VHF)
    file from the audit (.AUD) file.  The original
    .ALL or .VHF file is copied to .OLD before the
    restoration begins.

    This option lets you continue should your .ALL
    file be corrupted for any reason.  However, it
    will not run under any circumstances if any of
    the first 12 control records are the wrong
    length. If so, you must first repair them with
    an editor, or set up a dummy contest log and
    copy the control records from that.

    Caution:  Although your .ALL file is re-built,
    your multipliers, dupes and points may not all
    be correct. If so, all that is affected is your
    Claimed Score - Cabrillo logs will otherwise be
    accurate and complete.

    YO DX Contest. Cabrillo and ADIF options now
    show YO area codes.

    "Checklog" added as an entry category option
    for RSGB Cabrillo logs.

SDV - Audit facility.
    Was broken - now fixed.

Audit File:
    Added a dummy record (a copy of the previous
    entry) to indicate program shutdown, both for
    completeness and to help with debugging. 

File Names:
    You can no longer choose the same name for VHF
    and HF contests - to prevent any corresponding
    .AUD audit file holding both VHF and HF QSOs.

    Esc or Minus halts memory playback. Until now,
    this could be done only with the paddles.

Rig Control:
    Due to broken code in V11.34, the highest BPS
    rate supported remained at 19200.  Now, all
    standard bit rates up to 115200 are valid.

    With rig control enabled, any transient comms
    error caused the time display to freeze. Fixed.


SD is free from www.ei5di.com.  Previous versions
are available from www.ei5di.com/sd/vaults

The manual may be downloaded separately from
www.ei5di.com/sd/sd.pdf. It has been updated for V12.00.

If you find bugs, old or new, please send details to
sd-user at contesting.com.  Keep an older version of any
program you download - as insurance.

Paul EI5DI

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