[SD-User] RX_Exch tag repeats twice for each QSO entry.

Graeme Caselton gcaselton at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 13 20:49:53 EDT 2006

Hi Paul,

I got round it my doing some copy/paste/replace for the fixed TX-Exch
[which was year of license issue].

It's not a problem other than the RX_Exch tag appearing twice in the
output, which might throw some logging software.


> The RX_Exch tag is a relatively recent addition to ADIF from
> SDCHECK.  It was added to help users track states, zones,
> provinces and counties when integrating SD logs with main
> station logs.
> There is no TX-Exch tag in SDCHECK's ADIF output.  Should
> there be?  I'm not sure it would add value?  After all,
> if you're not sending a serial, you're probably sending a
> fixed exchange which does not vary from QSO to QSO.
> Any suggestions - one way or the other?
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI

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