[SD-User] POST-Contest Logging...

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Sun Dec 31 16:54:35 EST 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "EP Swynar" <gswynar at durham.net>

> ... When I returned, I called up the the file of log
> entries, and attempted to simply "carry on" from where
> I had left --- but the TIME on the computerized log
> sheet showed REAL TIME only...and I could NOT get the
> cursor into the time field to change it to actual log time...

The POST command (for post-contest logging) will do the
job.  You enter it in the callsign field.

> ... a black screen came up, saying that I had entered
> some illegal entry as a file name into the programme!

Please send me PERRY.ALL and PERRY.AUD (substitute the
actual file name you used instead of PERRY), and I'll
sort it out.

73 & Happy New Year
Paul EI5DI

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