[SD-User] RSGB Low Power Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Jul 11 14:34:59 EDT 2006

The RSGB Low Power Contest takes place on Sunday 16th July
from 09:00-12:00 UTC and 13:00-16:00 UTC.  It's a cw-only
event on 40 and 80m for both fixed and portable stations,
with 3-watt and 10-watt sections.

Rules at http://www.contesting.co.uk/hfcc/rules/rqrp.shtml

SD supports this event.  V13.06 runs on any Windows PC and
is free from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.

  Select SD's "RSGB LP FD" template

Work everyone - exchange RST + Serial + Power.

In this event, SD needs the serial in full - 001 etc.  It 
won't add leading zeros.  Low Power is represented by, for
example, 1W5 (1.5 watts) or 7W (7 watts). Stations running
more than 10 watts send QRO.

If there's a "W" in the exchange, SD scores 10 points. If
the station logged is also /P or /M, SD scores 15 points.
Otherwise, QSOs score 5 points.

After the contest, use SDCHECK Option 1 to create your Cabrillo
.LOG file.  Rename it to your YOURCALL.LOG and email it, as an
attached file, to lowpower.logs at rsgbhfcc.org.

Paul EI5DI

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