[SD-User] V12.14 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Mar 14 18:16:01 EST 2006

V12.14          14 March 2006

SD & SDC - Enter Sends Message:
    Extended to support both RUN and S&P modes, 
    with simple, clear visual indications of
    which mode you're in, and what the next Enter
    will send (if anything).

    The Grave Accent key - the one above Tab -
    toggles ESM between RUN and S&P modes.  

    The key in this position works on non UK/USA
    keyboards, regardless of how it's marked.

    The Apostrophe key toggles ESM On and Off. ESM
    and RUN/S&P may be toggled at any time, even
    in mid-QSO.

    ESM is set to Off when you choose variable
    RST Sent - with the RST command.

    In contests where you log Area Codes, such as
    CQWW or ARRL DX (for DX entrants), SD normally
    autofills the field when it's known from the
    callsign or where the station has been logged
    earlier.  This can cause difficulties with ESM
    in S&P mode.  You can disable autofill with
    the AUTOFILL command. It takes effect only in
    S&P mode, otherwise it's always enabled.

EU Sprint:
    The Sprint differs from most other contests
    in that, when you are called by a station,
    once the QSO is complete you must QSY and
    leave the frequency to the caller.

    When you call another station and have a QSO,
    you have the frequency for one QSO before you
    must QSY in turn.

    There is a different format for the exchange
    depending on whether you are the caller, or
    are called by someone else - this is to help
    listeners identify which station has the
    frequency for the next QSO.

    The correct exchange is now hard-coded in SD,
    with the result that you can send all relevant
    exchanges using only the Enter key.  All you
    have to do is keep ESM (Enter Sends Message)
    in the correct mode - and to help with this,
    SD automatically toggles the mode as each QSO
    is logged.  If it's not appropriate for what
    you're doing, just change it yourself.

    In Sprint RUN Mode, Enter works as follows.

    Callsign Field:
       No callsign - Enter sends CQ - SD's F1
       Otherwise - Enter sends "HisCall YourCall
       Serial Name" and goes to the exchange field.

    Exchange Field:
       Record serial and name as a single field.
       Enter sends "R" and logs the QSO.
       ESM mode is toggled to S&P.

       If you move to a clear frequency and want
       to call CQ, use Grave Accent to return to
       RUN mode.

    In Sprint S&P Mode, Enter works as follows.

    Callsign Field:
       Enter sends YourCall - SD's F5 message,
       and goes to the exchange field.

    Exchange Field:
       Record serial and name as a single field.
       Enter sends "HisCall Serial Name YourCall"
       logs the QSO, ESM mode is toggled to RUN
       - ready for someone calling you on this
    If you get into trouble, Esc stops the keyer
    (or touch a paddle with WinKey), switch ESM
    Off with Apostrophe and go with the paddles.

SDC - Commonwealth Contest:
    When calculating the Claimed Score, SDCHECK 
    counted bonus QSOs as multipliers.  Fixed.

    SDC will not be developed further, although
    I may add support for this event to SD.

SD is free from www.ei5di.com.

If you find any new bugs, please send details to
sd-user at contesting.com.  Keep an older version of any
program you download - as insurance.  Some older
versions are available from www.ei5di.com/sd/vaults

If you just want the new sd.exe alone, you can get it
from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdexe.zip.

Note:  The manual SD.PDF has not been updated for
V12.14 - it will be in a few days.

Paul EI5DI

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