[SD-User] V13.10 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Nov 24 11:36:24 EST 2006

V13.10          24 November 2006

Country Files.
    Updated as per AC1D's CTY.DAT of 22 November.
    Available from www.ei5di.com/sd/cty.zip

CWZERO - Leading zeros.
    Fixed leading zeros suppression for the
    European Sprint (the only event affected).

K2 Rig Control:
    Fixed the direct frequency option for K2 and
    Kenwood (all models).

Delaware QSO Party.
    Added template and multiplier files for both
    sides of this event.

    Tabbing from the Serial field caused the serial
    to disappear.  Fixed.

Callsign Reference Files:
    SD failed to match any callsign in a .LST file
    when the call was followed by the Tab character.

    Added feature to autofill District Codes in RSGB
    contests when the code is held as the last 2
    characters in the .LST records.

    ADIF logs now include anything entered in the
    SDX's Notes field.

NRRL Fylkestest.
    Added support for Norwegian keyboards and for
    the letter  (that's O with a stroke through
    it) in SD's keyer - both internal and WinKey.

Latvia Independence Day.
    Template and multiplier file YL.MLT supplied.

SD is free from www.ei5di.com.

If you find any new bugs, please send details to
sd-user at contesting.com.  Keep an older version of
any program you download as insurance.

Some older versions are available from

Paul EI5DI 

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