[SD-User] SAC - CW

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Sat Sep 16 04:10:17 EDT 2006

The Scandinavian Activity Contest place from 12:00 UTC today
Saturday 16th September to 11:59 UTC on Sunday 17th September.
It's a CW-only event on the 5 contest bands from 80m - 10m.

Rules at http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/sacnsc.htm

SD supports SO entries in this event. V13.08 runs on any
Windows PC and is free from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.

Scandinavian entrants - select the "SAC, Scandinavia" template.
European entrants     - select the "SAC, Europe" template.
Other entrants        - select the "SAC, DX" template

Work Scandinavian stations only - If SD does not display
a Call Area name as you enter callsigns, then it's not a
Scandinavian call.

Exchange is 5NN + Serial.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo log
and email it, as an attached file, to saclogs at oz5wq.dk

Paul EI5DI

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