[SD-User] Rate window

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sun Sep 17 15:15:44 EDT 2006

The rate windows are only functional if you are entering QSOs real 
time. If you are doing it post-contest (OFF or POST) then they will 
show zero as rates are meaningless in post contest mode.

Dave G3YMC

On 17 Sep 2006 at 19:48, iz2eju wrote:

> Paul, thank you for the help.
> I tried CQ WW CW, and it was OK at least for 10 or 15 QSOs.
> I deleted mi ALL file, then re-entered all QSOs in OFF mode, turned to ON, and it seems all OK now.
> I didn't made these tests during the contest... I am happy to see that SD is OK, it was my setting.


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