Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Sep 21 18:35:34 EDT 2006

The UBA ON Contest takes place from 06:00 09:59 UTC on
Sunday 24th September.  It's a CW-only event on 80m.

Rules at www.uba.be/hf_contests/rules/ubateston_en.html

SD supports SO entries in this event. V13.08 runs on any
Windows PC and is free from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdsetup.exe.

ON.MLT has been updated for 2006.  If you already have
V13.08 (or earlier), you should get the latest multiplier
reference files from www.ei5di.com/sd/cty.zip

Belgian entrants - select the "UBA ON Contest, ON" template.
All others       - select the "UBA ON Contest, DX" template.

If you're outside Belgium, work Belgian stations only.

Exchange is 5NN + Serial.  Belgian stations add their
3-character section code.

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo log
and email it, as an attached file, to ubaon at uba.be

Paul EI5DI

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