Val val at vip.bg
Thu Aug 9 17:08:49 EDT 2007


A SWL would like to use SD in WAEDC tomorow. The contest site says :

>You can use any logging software, like TR by N6TR. When you log a complete
>QSO with both calls and numbers, you actually log the QSO twice, like this:

> BAND     DATE      TIME   #    HEARD      SENT NR   QSOwith   Mult  Pts
> 40CW   09-Aug-03  15:41   1   VY2ZM        599  322    DL1MGB  VE2    1
> 40CW   09-Aug-03  15:41   2   DL1MGB      599  481    VY2ZM     DL     1
>This way you can correctly account for two QSO points and two multipliers.
>However, you will have to do part of the multipliers by hand because with
>all logging programs you have to decide if you are in Europe or outside.

Could this be done with SD? How could the second call (QSO with) be logged?

73, Val LZ1VB

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