[SD-User] CAT and Winkeyer USB with SD

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Wed May 23 19:06:21 EDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nick Henwood" <nick at henwood.demon.co.uk>

> Winkeyer USB works fine with SD but there is a slight delay
> when CAT is also connected (to an IC7000).

>From SD's manual:
Use the LINKTIME and POLLTIME commands to optimise your
rig’s response to polling signals from SD. You may assign
values from 20 to 1000ms for LINKTIME, and 50 to 1000ms
for POLLTIME.  The faster your rig’s BPS rate, the lower
both these parameters can be.  Select the lowest value for
LINKTIME that maintains rig control, then reduce POLLTIME
until just above the value that stops the link working.

For comparison - I use an Icom at 19200 bps, with POLLTIME=70
and LINKTIME=30.

If there is a delay before WinKeyer transmits, use the STATUS
command to check the PTTLEAD parameter - mine is 10 (ms).

If you still have trouble after all this, try deleting your
SD.INI file, then redefine all relevant parameters.

Paul EI5DI 

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