[SD-User] Ohio QSO Party

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 22 11:21:58 EDT 2008

The Ohio QSO Party takes place from 16:00 UTC Saturday 23rd
August to 03:59 UTC on Sunday 24th.  It is mixed-mode on the
5 HF contest bands from 80-10m - with HP, LP and QRP sections.

Rules at http://www.oqp.us/rules

SD supports SO entries.  V14.09 runs on Windows PCs and is free
from www.ei5di.com.   

    Ohio Entrants - Select the "Ohio QSO Party, OH" template.
    Others        - Select the "Ohio QSO Party, DX" template.

If you're outside Ohio, work Ohio only - they send a Serial
+ 4-character county code.  Other North Americans send Serial
+ 2-character state or province, and everyone else sends
Serial + DX.  No reports are needed.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file.  Email it,
as an attached file, to logs at opq.us.  Please mention SD
in your soapbox comments.

  SDCHECK Cabrillo Parameters

Contest Name    :  OQP
Mode            :  Mixed
Log Serial Sent :  Y
Fixed Exchange  :  County Code, State, or DX
Log Serial Rcvd :  Y

Paul EI5DI

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