[SD-User] How to correct callsign in SDI CW

IanSDavies at aol.com IanSDavies at aol.com
Sun Jul 27 14:44:17 EDT 2008

Hello Bill so I am not the only one. I am currently trying to repair the  
damage to my log due to this problem. After the contest I found what had  
happened  and I tried to correct the errors post contest in the original  log and, as 
you say, the changes will not 'stick' but revert back to the error.  Of 
course the problems are with complicated call signs with nice multipliers. I  tried 
the .ALL log but fared no better.
For better or worse I am editing the cabrillo log as I assume the contest  
invigilators will rescore everything but remembering the call signs and IOTA  
numbers after the event is awkward.
If we had the problem I assume others did too.
_www.karisgarden.com/lusty/pnr2.htm_ (http://www.karisgarden.com/) 


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