[SD-User] How to correct callsign in SDI CW

Bill Somerville bill at classdesign.com
Mon Jul 28 07:58:17 EDT 2008

Paul O'Kane wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bill Somerville" <bill at classdesign.com>
>> Can you confirm if this defect could cause incorrect
>> entries on SSB or indeed if using a WinKeyer USB was one 
>> of the causes?
> The bug was independent of mode or keyer.  Any callsign
> edits, after leaving the callsign field and before
> logging, did not take effect when one or more callsign
> characters were changed while in OVR (overwrite) mode.
> There was no problem when INS (insert) mode was used,
> or when callsign lengths were changed - by adding or
> deleting one or more characters.
OK, this is not good. I tend to not look too closely at an entry after I 
log it - checking BEFORE I press enter for the last time. On CW the 
problem is more obvious as the wrong call gets sent and usually the 
station calling picks it up as well.

So does this audit file help me any to find incorrect calls - will it 
contain edit sequences A to B and back to A which might indicate an issue?

Otherwise with 1000's of entries this is going to be a long job trying 
to verify our log!
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI

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