[SD-User] SD and WinKey

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Mar 10 14:22:33 EDT 2008

I've revised SD's code for WinKey, and I'd appreciate
any feedback on how the changes are working before
releasing V13.40.

This version of SD is numbered V13.39A and is available
(SD.EXE only) from www.ei5di.com/sd/sdexe.zip.

Let me know what you find.

Paul EI5DI 


WinKey Speed Changes:
    With WinKey enabled, the WKSPEED command lets you
    choose between speed changes from the keyboard (K)
    or WinKey's speed pot (P) - the default.  SPEED
    and POT are alternatives to WKSPEED. You can check
    your settings with the STATUS command.

    Temporary speed changes within messages are now
    reliable and consistent. Use #1 to #9 to increase
    speed - from the current WPM value.  They may be
    chained - for example #9#9 gives a temporary 18
    WPM increase.  To reduce speed, use  #-1 to #-9.

    To reset speed to the default value, use #0.  SD
    adds this to the end of all messages - you don't
    need to do this yourself, and it's no harm if you

    When speed is controlled by WinKey's pot -
    1.  Instant QRS, using semi-colon, is disabled.
    2.  When playing a message with temporary speed
        changes or with the #C callsign parameter, and 
        you change speed with the pot, the WPM display
        is not updated until the message ends.

    When speed is controlled by the keyboard -
    1.  The maximum speed possible is the sum of
        WinKey's MINWPM and WPMRANGE settings.  STATUS
        shows the relevant values.

    With internal keying (WINKEY disabled), the speed
    change and "instant QRS" features work only when no
    message is playing. 

    If this sounds a bit complicated, you're right. 
    It's not so simple to control WinKey while
    supporting all possible speed options.

    With ESM enabled in RUN mode, and the exchange
    started before completing the callsign, any 
    additional callsign edits (by returning to the
    callsign field before logging) were picked up by
    the keyer but were not logged.  Fixed.  Thanks

    When you log a QSO, and then edit the callsign
    already logged, the #C (callsign) keyer parameter
    now plays the edited callsign - when the callsign
    field on the logging line is empty. Thanks YU2DRA. 

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