[SD-User] QSO frequency

H. M. Motley hmmjr at comcast.net
Tue Oct 28 13:12:32 EDT 2008

This is really a non-issue.  All contest programs I've used put the receive 
frequency in the cabrillo file.  Before the days of  radios being interfaced 
to the contest programs the cabrillo file simply showed 7.000 for all 40M 
QSO's, 14.000 for all 20M QSO's, etc.  There is no requirement in any 
contest that I know of that requires you to report your transmit frequency. 
The band information is all that is really needed.  In the CQWW SSB contest 
recently most of my 40M QSO's were split and would appear to as out of  my 
frequency allocation if the frequency shown in the cabrillo file was 
interperted as my transmit frequency!

Puck, W4PM 

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