[SD-User] Ontario QSO Party

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Apr 16 13:17:06 PDT 2009

The Ontario QSO Party (OQP) takes place, in two periods,
from 18:00 UTC Saturday 18th April to 04:59 UTC on Sunday
19th April and from 12:00 to 17:59 UTC on Sunday.  There
are CW, SSB and Mixed-mode categories - with HP, LP and
QRP sections for Mixed-mode.

Rules at http://cco.ve3xd.com/oqp/rules.htm

SD supports HF SO entries.  V14.26 runs on Windows, on
Linux/Wine, and on Apple Mac with Bootcamp or Parallels.
It is free from www.ei5di.com..   

  Ontario Entrants - use the "Ontario QP, Ont" template.
  All others       - use the "Ontario QP, DX" template.

Ontario entrants send 59(9) + serial + county, and work
everyone. Other entrants send 59(9) + serial + state (W)
or province (VE) or country prefix (all other countries),
and work Ontario only.  

Log "Mobiles" and "Rovers" (stations that move from one
county to another) with /M or /R.  Otherwise they will be 
marked as dupes.  Mults are Ontario counties - they count
once per band.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file and send it
to oqp at rogers.com.

Please mention SD in your Cabrillo soapbox comments, as
this encourages others to try it.

Paul EI5DI

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