[SD-User] WIA RD Contest - V14.28

davidvk2nu at virginbroadband.com.au davidvk2nu at virginbroadband.com.au
Tue Aug 11 23:43:03 PDT 2009

Hi Paul,

Many thanks for this, WOW that is service.

I haven't had a chance to try this yet (still at work), but one of the guys
on the VK Contest Reflector reported the following.

If you work a guy on SSB, and then work him on CW, it is listing the CW QSO
as a dupe. 

The WIA RD Contest allows working each station once per mode, per band, per
2 hours.

Many thanks for supporting the VK Contest Scene, the dream of only having
to use one contest logger is big step closer.


David, VK2NU

WIA Remembrance Day Contest.
    Implemented the 2-hour rule - stations can be
    worked again on the same band and mode if more
    than 2 hours has elapsed since the last QSO.

    When a call is entered that has been worked
    less than 2 hours ago, the remaining time is
    shown.  Thanks VK2NU.

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