[SD-User] Ohio QSO Party

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 21 01:23:27 PDT 2009

The Ohio QSO Party takes place from 16:00 UTC Saturday 22nd
August to 03:59 UTC on Sunday 23rd.  It is mixed-mode on the
5 HF contest bands from 80-10m - with HP, LP and QRP sections.

Rules at http://www.ohqp.org/adminRules.htm

SD supports SO entries.  V14.29 is free from www.ei5di.com.   

    Ohio Entrants - Select the "Ohio QSO Party, OH" template.
    Others        - Select the "Ohio QSO Party, DX" template.

If you're outside Ohio, work Ohio only - they send a Serial
+ 4-character county code.  Other North Americans send Serial
+ 2-character state or province, and everyone else sends
Serial + DX.  No reports are needed.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file, and email it,
to logs at ohqp.org.  Please mention SD in your soapbox comments
- this encourages other to try it.

  SDCHECK Cabrillo Parameters

Contest Name    :  OQP
Mode            :  Mixed
Log Serial Sent :  Y
Fixed Exchange  :  Enter your County Code, State, or DX
Log Serial Rcvd :  Y

Paul EI5DI

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