[SD-User] V14.18 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Tue Jan 27 18:41:36 EST 2009

V14.18          27th January 2009

    Fixed CQ160, REF and UBA Cabrillo options.

Partial Call Checking - by Suffix:
    When you type a partial call, followed by Full
    Stop, the partial call window shows all calls
    ending with the same characters.

    The cursor now moves to the start of the callsign
    field, and what happens next depends on your data
    entry mode.

    If it is "Insert" (INS), any additional callsign
    characters are inserted before the cursor.

    If it is "Overwrite" (OVR), additional callsign
    characters replace the existing ones, and that's
    probably not what you want.  However, as standard
    with OVR mode, you can use the Space Bar to move
    the existing callsign characters to the right -
    before typing new characters.

    With Auto Insert data entry mode (OVR with the 
    "V" highlighted), the mode is temporarily
    switched to Insert so that additional callsign
    characters are inserted before the cursor.  Once
    you use any cursor-control character, or leave
    the callsign field, the mode reverts to Overwrite
    (OVR).  This is easier to test than to describe!

    With Auto Insert, whenever (and however) the
    cursor is moved to the start of the callsign
    field, the mode switches temporarily to Insert.
    I recommend this mode  - it's what I use at all
    times.  Use the AI command to toggle your data
    entry mode between OVR and Auto Insert.

    For information - I'm working on integrating
    Super Check Partial (SCP) calls so that potential
    dupes and mults will be displayed in a consistent

HADX Contest:
    HA entrants give a district code, and all others
    give a serial.   SD pre-fills the district code
    when a matching callsign is entered on another
    band.  If, in these circumstances, the HA callsign
    was deleted using either the Delete or Esc keys,
    and another non-HA call logged, the HA district
    code was logged along with the serial.  In turn,
    this caused an error in the corresponding
    Cabrillo QSO record from SDCHECK.  This error
    applied to all similar contests.  Fixed.  

Rig Control:
    When selecting a port for rig control, only 1
    digit could be entered for the port number.
    Fixed - thanks GM4ZUK.

WWPMC Contest.
    Fixed the scoring.  This contest takes place
    on the first full weekend of February.

V14.17          9th January 2009

IRTS Counties Contest:
    All EI/GI counties are shown in full, with the
    county code highlighted.  Thanks GM3POI.

WinKey - Callsign Type-ahead.
    Increased the time allowed for WinKey's response 
    to 350 ms before treating it as a error.  It had
    been reduced in V14.16.


SD is free from www.ei5di.com.

If you find bugs, please send details to sd-user

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Paul EI5DI        

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