[SD-User] on clubs entries, just an info

Dieter Klaschka dl2bqd at swschwedt.de
Sat Jun 6 00:49:13 PDT 2009

   During WWWPX I used SD  mostly as DUPE checker .
 Don't smile , I use the Kent Padlle and the rig qrp and no connection 
PC to rig.
 I like SD!
The Cabrillo log asks for an entry of a club,
 Perhaps this might be of some interest to a newcomer as well:

72, Dieter DL2BQD GQRP

Jacques Saget  dropped me these lines  and gave permission to quote him:

In any case the individual station score and log are taken by the robot.
The Club-web list is updated about once or twice a month.
Please read and understand the following as there are many confusions 
about this Clubs competition. After that, if you are sure your club 
qualifies, I'll be pleased to add it to the list. 
*Remember that a Contest or DX Club is neither a group of operators at a 
club station
nor a club station. *  Filling the club field in the cabrillo file is 
not mandatory to enter any contest.
Please read the WPX (and CQWW DX rules) about the Club competition:
*XII. Club Competition:* A plaque will be awarded each year to the club 
that has the highest aggregate score from logs submitted by members.
The club must be a local group and not a national organization (e.g., 
ARRL or DARC). Participation is limited to members operating from a local
geographic area defined as within a 275 Km radius from center of club 
area (except for DXpeditions specially organized for operation in the 
Single operators can only contribute to one club. Multi-operator scores 
may be allocated to multiple clubs as indicated with the entry. Please 
spell out
the full club name in the CABRILLO file. *To be listed in the results, a 
minimum of three logs must be received from a club.
Thanks and  good luck in the contests.

73 de Jacques, F6BEE (also TM2Y, 6W1RW, WH7V, ...)
Clubs manager for CQ WW DX and WPX contest committees.


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