[SD-User] All Asian Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Jun 19 12:44:14 PDT 2009

The All Asian DX Contest takes place from 0000 UTC on Saturday
20th to 2359 UTC Sunday 21st June.  It is CW-only on the 6 HF
contest bands from 160 - 10m.  There are single and all-band

Rules at

SD V14.26 is free from www.ei5di.com.

  Asian entrants - use the "All Asian, Asia" template.
  All others     - use the "All Asian, DX" template.

Non-Asians work Asian stations.  SD displays non-Asian
prefixes and callsigns in red.  The exchange is your age.
Use Shift-F2 to update SD's F2 (exchange) memory with
your age.

Mults are Asian prefixes - they count separately by band.

Create your Cabrillo .LOG file with SDCHECK, and send it
to aacw at jarl.or.jp

Please mention SD in your Cabrillo soapbox comments - this
encourages others to try it.

Paul EI5DI

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