[SD-User] ARI Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri May 1 09:20:05 PDT 2009

The ARI Contest takes place from 20:00 UTC Saturday 2nd May
to 19:59 UTC on Sunday 3rd May.  There are CW, SSB, RTTY
and Mixed sections on the six contest bands from 160-10m.

Rules at www.qsl.net/contest_ari/DX_rul_ing_new.html

SD supports SO entries on CW and SSB.  V14.26 runs on
Windows, on Linux/ Wine, and on Apple Mac with Bootcamp
or Parallels.  It is free from www.ei5di.com. 

 Italian Entrants - use the "ARI Contest, Italy" template.
 Others           - use the "ARI Contest, DX"    template.

Work everyone - Italians are 10 points, others 1 or 3.
Mults are DXCC countries, other than Italy and Sardinia,
and Italian provinces (by band).

Italians send 59(9) + 2-letter province.
Others   send 59(9) + serial.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file, and send it
to aricontest at kkn.net. Please mention SD in your Cabrillo
soapbox comments, as this encourages others to try it.

Paul EI5DI

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