[SD-User] Windows 7

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Jan 11 03:10:18 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <peter.jackson17 at ntlworld.com>

> ..  SD seems to work ok except for ESM, pressing apostrophe
> doesn't do anything,

Please use SD's SHOW command to show the "ASCII value" generated
when you press apostrophe.  It's normally 39, but is probably
different on your PC.  

Let's say the code you see is 99.

Then create a file called SD.MAP (using Notepad) with one
record/line showing 99 39.  That should solve the problem.

> also having adjusted the screen to fit using properties-font
> and layout I cannot find 'save'.

I believe Windows 7 does an automatic save.

Paul EI5DI

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