andrew arcfn2 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 22 15:29:11 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I use K1EL WINUSB keyer  also with SD software. My keyer is a PTT HV 
version - so  port 2 - can handle 48V PTT.  Port one - low voltage PTT only.
There is no problem when keyer works in standalone mode ---> keyer's 
output 2 selected;  key/cw  connected to my RIG (ICOM).. and PTT to my 

All is fine until I fire up my SD program  - which RESET my WINUSB 
keyer's output to port ONE - where PTT is a LOW voltage that cannot 
handle my linear's 48V PTT voltage. That means - when I start any CW 
from SD - 48v voltage from linear PTT will destroy WINKEY PTT chip (an 
low woltage optocoupler similar to 4N25/28).

The question is.. how to set SD program to keep WINKEY USB  output port 
, or how to tell SD to switch WINKEY's ouput (PTT/CW) to the PORT I want 
?? Obviously at this stage I use an external PTT   interface using  ACC 
port from my ICOM..
There is PROBABLY a tricky way to avoid all that trouble - just by 
switching optocouplers inside WINKEYER>>> but....that is not a right way 
to go..

When WINKEYER USB works with SD - keyer can be controlled only from 
SD..when standing alone - resets to its own settings...so will keep MY  

Any ideas ??  Thanks in advance for any help..

73, de Andrew vk2ar

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