[SD-User] V15.06 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon May 10 12:52:33 PDT 2010

V15.06          10th May 2010

Digital Voice Recorder:
    The DVR command enables direct playback of
    your rig's audio "messages".  This applies
    to rigs with a DVR, and with the facility
    to playback messages under external control.

    The DVR command toggles between playback of
    SD's internal pre-recorded WAV files, if any,
    in your SD folder, and pre-recorded voice
    messages from your rig's DVR.

    This feature depends on having rig control
    enabled - in the usual way with the PORTS
    comand.  SD sends commands to play the
    appropriate recordings, as defined in the
    parameters in the .SD control file for your
    rig.  To date, it is implemented and tested
    only for the Elecraft K3.

    To understand how to implement this feature
    for other rigs, follow the example of the 
    parameters in K3.SD, SD's control file for
    the Elecraft K3.

    If you are successful with your rig, please
    send me a copy of your updated .SD file.

    With mode set to SSB, and Caps Lock Off, F1
    to F8 plays the corresponding audio file 
    from your rig.  In ESM (Enter Sends Message)
    mode, here is what happens - 

    ESM - RUN Mode
       Enter, in an empty callsign field, plays
       M1, your CQ recording.

       Enter, when the QSO is logged, plays M3,
       your "Thanks" recording. 

    ESM - S&P Mode
       Enter, while the exchange field is empty,
       plays M2, your "Own Callsign" recording.

    NOTE:  ESM is toggled with ' (apostrophe),
    and RUN/S&P is toggled with ` (the key under
    Esc).  Esc stops external message playback. 

UBA Contest:
    SD now directly supports both sides of the
    UBA Contest.  SDU is discontinued, and is
    no longer supported.

    Scoring is hard-coded in SD - the values in
    the template files are ignored.

    Limitation:  On the DX (non-ON) side, SD
    tracks European Union country, and Belgian
    province mults, but not Belgian prefix
    mults. I will add prefix tracking before
    the next UBA contest in January 2011.


If you find any bugs, please post the details
to this mailing list.

Some older versions are available at

Paul EI5DI

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