[SD-User] SD. Demo mode

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Sat Sep 3 03:12:00 PDT 2011

On 03/09/2011 09:46, AirRadio wrote:

> Just started into the All Asia contest and saw that my SD had reverted back
> to DEMO mode,

The following is a copy of what everyone gets when
they register this month - October 2011.  It is updated
each month as appropriate.

   The key file activates SD V15.50 and all later versions
   downloaded before the end of October 2012.  Any such
   version will continue to run indefinitely, without
   restriction, when used with your callsign G9ABC in the
   presence of the key file.  Each time you start SD, your
   registration expiry date (for updates) is shown after
   the words "Licensed to G9ABC".

The key file activates any new version of SD downloaded
within one year of the date of registration.  The key
file never expires - it keeps working with any version
of SD downloaded within the year, but it does not entitle
anyone to free updates for life.  That's the way it is!

No one is left with an unusable key file.  Older versions
of SD which will still work are freely available from
www.ei5di.com/sd/vaults/VXX.XX - substitute the version
you want for XX.XX.  This information has been posted here
a few times.  To prevent any confusion, I will update SD
to explain this when SD sees an "expired" key file.

> also I just updated and lost all the templates,

During installation, SD loads all templates again to
whatever folder you selected - the default folder is

Paul EI5DI

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