[SD-User] RDA Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Aug 17 08:49:14 PDT 2012

The Russian District Award Contest (RDA) takes place from
08:00 UTC on Saturday 18th to 07:59 UTC on Sunday 19th August.
There are CW, SSB and Mixed sections, for both HP and LP, on
the 6 contest bands from 160-10m.

Rules at http://rdaward.org/rdac1.htm

SD V15.63 supports SO entries - www.ei5di.com.

    Russian Entrants - select the "RDA, Russia" template
    Others           - select the "RDA, DX" template.

If you're outside Russia, work Russians only.  SD displays
inappropriate callsigns or prefixes in red.  If they're
not red, they're OK to work for points.

Russians:  Send RST + 4-character district code.
Others  :  Sent RST + Serial.

SD adds new district codes to the RDA district-code
reference file as they are logged.  It also loads RDA.LST
at startup.   This is a callsign database with some 26000
Russian callsigns extracted from previous RDA logs.  SD
then auto-fills the 4-character district code on a
callsign match.

Use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo .LOG file.  Ensure that
the CATEGORY: record corresponds to one of the options
listed in the rules.

Please mention SD in your Cabrillo soapbox comments - this
encourages others to try it.

Email your log, as an attached file, to rx3rc at rdaward.org.

Paul EI5DI

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