[SD-User] ARRL DX Contest

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Mar 1 12:33:33 PST 2012

The ARRL DX Contest takes place from 0000 UTC Saturday
to 2359 Sunday 3/4 March.  It is SSB-only on the 6
contest bands from 160-10m.  There are single and
all-band categories for HP, LP (150w) and QRP.

Rules at http://www.arrl.org/arrl-dx

SD V15.59 supports this event - www.ei5di.com

     W/VE entrants - select the "ARRL DX, W/VE" template.
     All others    - select the "ARRL DX, DX" template.

       and enter SSB as the mode.

Please take care not to select the ARRL 10m or ARRL 160m

W/VE entrants work DX only, send state/province. Mults
are DXCC countries by band.

DX entrants work W/VE only, send power.  Mults are
W/VE states and provinces by band (63).  When logging
the W/VE state or province, SD lets you enter anything
relevant and it will log the standard 2-character code
(if you're not familiar with them).  For example, enter
F (on its own) for Florida - or B (on its own) for British
Columbia.  KE or KEN is logged as KY (Kentucky).  Why not
experiment with test files before the contest!  Also,
try F1, F2 and F3 (with Caps Lock Off) to see what

After the contest, use SDCHECK to create your Cabrillo
log, and send it to dxphone at arrl.org.  Please mention
SD in your soapbox comments.

Paul EI5DI

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