[SD-User] SD V15.61 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri May 4 16:59:53 PDT 2012

NOTE:  This version includes some significant
coding changes for rig control, and has not been
tested on all rigs.

If you have problems, send me a direct email.
Remember that older versions of SD are always
available at www.ei5di.com/sd/vaults

V15.61          4th May 2012

QSO Rates:
     Actual QSO rates, at the time the QSO was
     logged, are now shown when using the arrow
     keys as if to edit QSOs.  Off times are
     ignored in the calculations.

     You can have fun searching logs to find your
     best rates for the Last-10 and Last-100 QSOs.

     Applies to logs from V15.00 or later.

General-Purpose Templates:
     Added three templates (CW, SSB and Mixed)
     for events where you send a fixed exchange
     but no serial, and where you're not worried
     about tracking multipliers.

     This applies typically to North American QSO
     Parties when two or more take place at the
     same time.

KPC Contest:
     Added full support - www.kpctest.ru
     Thanks RM3P.

Serials Sent:
     This modification reduces the possibility
     of points being lost by inadvertently
     sending an incorrect serial in CW events.

     In contests with serials, SD displays the
     current serial (the one for your next QSO)
     on the logging line, regardless of whether
     you have typed anything in any field of
     the QSO.

     In CW contests, it is sometimes necessary
     to repeat a Serial Sent after a QSO has
     been logged.  Until now, the test for
     sending the "previous" serial (the one
     just logged) was an empty callsign field
     in the logging line (the next QSO).

     This test is not appropriate when you have
     already entered a Serial Received or, more
     specifically, have typed any printable
     character in the Callsign, RST, or any
     exchange field for the current QSO.  In
     such cases, SD now sends the current serial
     - even when you have edited or, perhaps,
     cleared those characters in the meantime.

     To fully reset, or wipe a QSO, use Minus or
     F11 as usual.  When repeating an exchange,
     SD then sends the previous serial.

     Thanks GM3SEK.

     Restored distance display as prefixes are
     typed, in miles or km according to your
     SD_DISTUNIT parameter in SD.INI - thanks

Holyland Contest:
     Restored double points on 40, 80 and 160m.

     Fixed missing Area character in Cabrillo
     logs - thanks G3RSD.

LZ Open:
     The exchange sent by the keyer was wrong.
     Fixed - thanks SM0OY.


Paul EI5DI

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