[SD-User] V18.16 Released

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Jan 29 20:14:55 EST 2016

V18.16  30 January 2016

All contests:
     Multipliers, whether country district zone prefix etc.
     are no longer identified by "C" "M" "Z" "B" - or any
     other letter(s) after the QSO.  Instead, the relevant
     elements of the QSO are highlighted.

     For a country multiplier (or bonus), the full callsign
     is highlighted.  For a prefix multiplier, only the
     prefix is highlighted.  The prefix may follow the
     callsign as in W1ABC/VE - in this example the prefix
     is VE0, and VE (only) is highlighted.

     For district and zone multipliers/bonuses, the code
     or number itself is highlighted.

     For dupes, the complete QSO is dimmed slightly, with
     no "D" following.

     I believe this style is less cluttered and easier to

UBA DX Contest:
     Both Sides - points are listed for each QSO, and
     mults are tracked (and shown) for relevant countries
     and, for non-ON entrants, ON provinces and prefixes.

     All prefix, district and country mults are indicated
     as described above. ON prefix tracking is new.  In
     effect, all features provided by SDU, the former
     standalone program for the UBA Contest, are now
     included in SD.

     The templates for both sides of this contest have been
     updated, and UBA DX contest logs from earlier years may
     not load correctly, if at all.  The former UBA.CTY
     country reference file has been replaced by the standard
     DXCC.CTY file.

V18.15  26 January 2016

South American 10m Contest:
     Added support - with tracking of zone and prefix
     mults.  Takes place 2nd weekend in March.  Thanks
     LU4EG. www.sa10m.com.ar/cqsa10m_rules.html

Hungarian Straight Key Contest:
     Added multiplier total to the Score window. Takes
     place 2nd weekend in April. hskc.ha8kux.com


Scheduled for the next update - V18.19.
   Long Contest File Names - 18 characters rather than 8.
   Fix the "dupe sheets by band" option in SDCHECK.

Let me know if you need support for other contests.

When you install a new version of SD, or when you
change to Windows 10, you may have to adjust the
size of the default window to fill your screen.
If necessary, do this for both SD and SDCHECK.

Click on the SD icon, at the top LHS of SD's window
and select Properties, then Font.  If you have use
a widescreen (16:9) monitor, select the Lucida Console
font.  For a 4:3 monitor, select the Consolas font
(not available on XP).  Then choose whatever size of
font you prefer.  SD's window expands or contracts in
direct proportion to the chosen font size.

If the display gets corrupted, use the CLEAR command
on SD's logging line.

If you find bugs in V18.16, send the details to
sduser at contesting.com. Older versions are not
supported, so please confirm that the problem
exists in V18.16.  Older versions, from V18.00,
are available from www.ei5di.com/sd/vaults

Paul EI5DI

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