[SD-User] CTY-3017 Country Files - 02 October 2020

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Oct 2 15:02:29 EDT 2020

On 02/10/2020 19:41, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 02 October 2020:
>      https://www.country-files.com/cty-3017-02-october-2020/
> For installation instructions, start at:
>      https://www.country-files.com/

To update SD's country files DXCC.CTY and CQWW.CTY, go to 
Select CT under the "Contest" Tab
Save CTY.DAT to your C:\SD folder to replace any existing CTY.DAT

Run SDCHECK (any contest log - it doesn't matter)
Select Option 8 - Update DXCC.CTY and CQWW.CTY
Let SDCHECK run - then quit when you see the "Success" message.

That's all there is to it.  To confirm you have the correct CTY files, 
start SD (with any existing contest log) and enter VERSION as the call 
on the logging line.  If SD identifies the country as French Guiana, 
you're up-to-date.

Paul EI5DI

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