[SD-User] CTY-3239 Country Files - 08 December 2022

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Dec 8 10:34:20 EST 2022





On 08/12/2022 14:58, Anthony Jaacks wrote:
> Hello All,
> I tried using Jim's last update to update the CQWW and DXCC files in 
> SD but
> it didn't work correctly. I'm glad I saved the old files.
> How do I go about updating the DXCC file for this weekend's ARRL 10m
> contest? That .TPL file uses DXCC.CTY.

It's a standard option in SDCHECK.  Copy CTY.DAT to your C:\SD folder 
(from https://www.country-files.com/contest/ct/) to replace any older 
file of the same name.  Then run SDCHECK (any log will do) and select 
Option 9 - Update DXCC.CTY and CQWW.CTY.

It's not strictly necessary for .CTY files to be up-to-date, as contest 
sponsors ignore Claimed Scores in Cabrillo logs, regardless of how they 
were created, and calculate the scores independently.

Paul EI5DI

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