[SD-User] SCP not working - Fixed in V22.08

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Mon Feb 26 11:24:25 EST 2024

SD V22.08 restores SCP - broken code in V22.07 disabled it.

SD is free from www.ei5di.com

When replacing an older version of SD, take care to "untick"
the box corresponding to "Create a desktop icon" during the
installation process.  Otherwise you may have to resize SD's
window, and set other parameters as described in GETTING
STARTED on page 3 of the manual SD.PDF.

In any case, these parameters must be set if you are running
Windows 11 and SD's colours do not look similar to these -

Before CW contests, check your Function Key memory playback
and edit the parameters as necessary - they are not updated
automatically for each contest.

Use Shift_F1, F2 as appropriate to edit the parameters.

If you find bugs in V22.08, report them to sd-user (at)

Please send your suggestions, comments, or questions to
sd-user (at) contesting.com - not to me directly.

Paul EI5DI

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