[SECC] Rumor on NY4N QSLing

Ny4n@aol.com Ny4n@aol.com
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 02:12:16 EDT

To all in the TCG and SECC, be advised that I found out who is spreading the 
QSL rumor about me. This was sent to me by my good friend in Germany, DL6KVA, 
who is needing some of my cards now. I am writing this note at approx. 1AM 7 
July. I am cathing up on all my QSL's at this time. Below is the response I 
sent to N5UR.

It has come to my attention that you are telling other hams not to work me 
and I do not QSL. This is not a true statement. If you are needing a card 
from me, please send me one. I do not request an SASE as I QSL 100 %. This is 
what was going around.

Hello Jeff,

please search at:

<A HREF="http://oh2w.kolumbus.com/cgi-bin/qin.sh">http://oh2w.kolumbus.com/cgi-bin/qin.sh</A>

for NY4N last 25 spots, You'll find the spot:

N5UR      14047.2 NY4N        do not work-never qsls       K1910 21 Jul 2002

   I do not plan these trips, spend hard earned dollars and spend countless 
hours on the road not to QSL those who need it. I will admit that I am behind 
on getting my QSL's out, I have got over 100 in the mail the past few weeks. 
I am slowing catching up at this time.
 Please check you logs, and if you need a card(s) from me, please re-submit. 
I am more than willing to reply.
   Be advised, I am also going to share this statement with my good friends 
in the Tennessee Contest Group, along with the SECC. There are many ways you 
card may have got lost, or I may have not gotten it either. I humbly request 
you get your facts in order before making anymore statements about my QSLing 
practices. Maybe the above groups will refuse to work you because you spread 
unsubstantiated rumors.

73   Jeff  NY4N

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